
Orphaned Land, El Nora Alila.

El Norra Alila is the second full-length studio album by the Israeli metal band Orphaned Land, released on July 18, 1996 by Holy Records.
The album conveyed a message of co-existence between Muslims and Jews, which held a concept of light and darkness. There are religious translations within the album name, "Nor" means "the light" in Arabic, "Alila" meaning "the night", "El" meaning "God" in Hebrew and "Ra" meaning "bad" or evil. This means that the album can be translated as; "God of Light – Evil of the Night" and gives reference to its concept.

Track listing;

  1. "Find Your Self, Discover God " – 6:15
  2. "Like Fire To Water" – 4:46
  3. "The Truth Within" – 4:33
  4. "The Path Ahead" – 4:16
  5. "A Neverending Way" – 3:14
  6. "Takasim" – 1:13
  7. "Thee by the Father I Pray" – 3:11
  8. "Flawless Belief" – 6:46
  9. "Joy" – 0:42
  10. "Whisper My Name When You Dream" – 4:35
  11. "Shir Hama'Alot" – 5:02
  12. "El Meod Na'Ala" – 2:22
  13. "Of Temptation Born" – 4:42
  14. "The Evil Urge" – 3:28
  15. "Shir Hashirim " – 1:58

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